30 research outputs found

    Der Einfluss von Stromtarifmodellen auf Lastmanagementpotenziale

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    Die gezielte Steuerung der Stromnachfrage im Zuge eines Lastmanagements kann einen Beitrag zum Ausgleich der Fluktuationen erneuerbarer Einspeisung im Stromsystem liefern. Stromtarifmodelle können wiederum einen Einfluss auf die Nutzung der Lastmanagementpotenziale haben, der bislang noch unzureichend im Systemkontext analysiert ist. Daher wird mit dem agentenbasierten Strommarktmodell AMIRIS in einer Fallstudie fĂŒr die Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Jahr 2019 ebendieser Einfluss untersucht. Lastverzicht und -verschiebung werden im Zusammenspiel mit verschiedenen Strompreismodellen fĂŒr Endkunden betrachtet. Die Strompreismodelle unterscheiden sich im Grad ihrer zeitlichen VariabilitĂ€t (Dynamisierung). Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass von der Möglichkeit des Lastverzichts wegen unzureichender Preise im Simulationszeitraum unter den angesetzten Zahlungsbereitschaften kein Gebrauch gemacht wird. Ferner bestĂ€tigt sich die Erwartung, dass mit steigendem Dynamisierungsanteil stĂ€rkere Anreize bestehen, Lasten zeitlich zu verschieben, um Strompreiszahlungen zu reduzieren. Der Einfluss leistungsbasierter Preiskomponenten auf das Lastmanagement („Spitzenlastmanagement“) soll in Folgeanalysen vertieft werden

    ERAFlex II - Modellkopplung zur Bestimmung realisierbarer & kostenoptimaler Energiesysteme

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    Bidirektionale Kopplung des optimierenden Strommarktmodells E2M2 mit dem agentenbasierten Simulationsmodell AMIRI

    GeschÀftsmodelle der Energiewende im regionalen Umfeld

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    Die Energiewende beeinflusst maßgeblich die Entwicklung energiewirtschaftlicher Wertschöpfung und GeschĂ€ftsmodelle. Diese Entwicklung betrifft auch und insbesondere den lĂ€ndlichen Raum. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird in diesem Papier fĂŒr die untersuchte „Modellregion Mecklenburg“ eine Bestandsaufnahme der energiewirtschaftlichen Wertschöpfungskette durchgefĂŒhrt. Ferner wird eine Übertragbarkeit des GeschĂ€ftsmodell-Frameworks Energiewirtschaft zur Identifikation von GeschĂ€ftsmodellprototypen, d. h. einer Zusammenfassung gleichartiger GeschĂ€ftsmodelle, aus Giehl et al. (2020) aufgezeigt. Basierend hierauf werden regionale Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke entwickelt und analysiert, um hieraus in Verbindung mit dem Ansatz der Wertschöpfungscluster nach Porter (1991) Handlungsempfehlungen fĂŒr die Untersuchungsregion abzuleiten

    New forecast tools to enhance the value of VRE on the electricity market: Deliverable D4.9

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    Project TradeRES - New Markets Design & Models for 100% Renewable Power Systems: https://traderes.eu/about/ABSTRACT: The present deliverable was developed as part of the research activities of the TradeRES project Task 4.4 - Enhancing the value of VRE on the electricity markets with advanced forecasting and ramping tools. This report presents the first version of deliverable 4.9, which consists on the description and implementation of the forecasting techniques aiming to identify and explore the time synergies of meteorological effects and electricity market designs in order to maximize the value of variable renewable energy systems and minimize market imbalances. An overview of key aspects that characterize a power forecast system is presented in this deliverable through a literature review. This overview addresses the: i) forecast time horizon; ii) type of approach (physical, statistical or hybrid); iii) data pre-processing procedures; iv) type of forecast output; and v) the most common metrics used to evaluate the performance of the forecast systems.N/

    Renal Safety of [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-617 Radioligand Therapy in Patients with Compromised Baseline Kidney Function

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    Background: Radioligand therapy (RLT) targeting prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is an effective antitumor-treatment in metastatic castration-resistant prostate carcinoma (mCRPC). Concerns of potential nephrotoxicity are based on renal tubular PSMA expression and the resulting radiopharmaceutical retention during RLT, but data confirming clinically significant renal toxicity are still lacking. In this study, patients with significantly impaired baseline kidney function before initiation of therapy were investigated for treatment-associated nephrotoxicity and the potential relationship with administered activities of [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-617. Methods: Twenty-two mCRPC patients with impaired renal function (glomerular filtration rate (GFR) ≀ 60 mL/min) who received more than two cycles of [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-617 RLT (median 5 cycles and median 6-week time interval between consecutive cycles) were analyzed in this study. Patients were treated within a prospective patient registry (REALITY Study, NCT04833517). Cumulative administered activities ranged from 17.1 to 85.6 GBq with a median activity of 6.5 GBq per cycle. Renal function was closely monitored during and after PSMA-RLT. Results: Mean pre-treatment GFR was 45.0 ± 10.7 mL/min. After two (22/22 patients), four (20/22 patients), and six cycles (10/22 patients) of RLT, a significant increase of GFR was noted (each p < 0.05). End-of-treatment GFR (54.1 ± 16.7 mL/min) was significantly higher than baseline GFR (p = 0.016). Only one patient experienced deterioration of renal function (change of CTCAE grade 2 to 3). The remaining patients showed no significant reduction of GFR, including follow-up assessments (6, 9, and 12 months), and even showed improved (10/22 patients) or unchanged (11/22 patients) CTCAE-based renal impairment grades during and after the end of PSMA-RLT. No significant correlation between the change in GFR and per-cycle (p = 0.605) or cumulative (p = 0.132) administered activities were found. Conclusions: As pre-treatment chronic kidney failure did not lead to detectable RLT-induced deterioration of renal function in our study, the nephrotoxic potential of [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-617 RLT may be overestimated and not of clinical priority in the setting of palliative treatment in mCRPC. We suggest not to categorically exclude patients from enrolment to PSMA-RLT due to renal impairment

    Temporal flexibility options in electricity market simulation models: Deliverable D4.1

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    Project TradeRES - New Markets Design & Models for 100% Renewable Power Systems: https://traderes.eu/about/ABSTRACT: This report covers the implementation of temporal flexibility options in TradeRES’ agent-based electricity market simulations models. Within this project, the term “temporal flexibility option” was defined as an asset or measure supporting the power system to balance electric demand and supply and compensate for their stochastic fluctuations stemming from, e.g., weather or consumer behaviour by adjusting demand and/or supply as a function over time or by reducing their forecast uncertainty. Other reports from the same work package of TradeRES are published almost simultaneously, each focussing on another aspect of market model enhancements. These accompanying reports address sectoral flexibility, spatial flexibility, actor types, and modelling requirements for market designs. Flexibility options covered in this report were selected with regard to a predominantly temporal characteristic, a contribution to TradeRES’ assessment of market designs, and the feasibility to be implemented in at least one of the agent based models (ABM) during the project’s lifetime. The technical aspects of “Load shedding”, “Load shifting”, “Electricity storage”, and “Real-time pricing” were selected for implementation. In addition, the following new electricity market products were selected for implementation: “Rolling market clearing”, “Trading with shorter time units”, and “Variable market closure lead times”.N/

    Design of ancillary service markets and products: Challenges and recommendations for EU renewable power systems: Deliverable D3.3

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    Project TradeRES - New Markets Design & Models for 100% Renewable Power Systems: https://traderes.eu/about/ABSTRACT: The overall objective of the current study is to analyse the implications of the transition towards a renewable, climate-neutral power system in the EU for the demand and supply of ancillary services (AS) of this system in general and for the market design and related EU regulation of these services in particular. The study focuses predominantly on electricity balancing services (‘frequency control’). However, other ancillary services – not ably reactive power services (‘voltage control’) and system restoration services (‘black start’) – are, to some extent, considered as well. More specifically, the study analyses in particular (i) the current situation (‘base case’) of ancillary (electricity balancing) services in the EU, (ii) the future situation (‘towards a 100% renewable EU power system’) of these services, and (iii) the major challenges and recommendations for the main ancillary services markets in the EU in order to improve the performance of these markets in the coming years, i.e. up to 2030 and beyond.N/

    Characterization of new flexible players: Deliverable D3.2

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    Project TradeRES - New Markets Design & Models for 100% Renewable Power Systems: https://traderes.eu/about/ABSTRACT: The subject matter of this report is the analysis of the electricity markets’ actors’ scene, through the identification of actor classes and the characterisation of actors from a behavioural and an operational perspective. The technoeconomic characterization of market participants aims to support the upcoming model enhancements by aligning the agent-based model improvements with the modern market design challenges and the contemporary characteristics of players. This work has been conducted in the context of task T3.2, which focuses on the factorization of the distinctive operational and behavioural characteristics of players in market structures. Traditional parties have been considered together with new and emerging roles, while special focus has been given on new actors related to flexible technologies and demand-side response. Among the main objectives have been the characterization of individual behaviours, objectives and requirements of different electricity market players, considering both the traditional entities and the new distributed ones, and the detailed representation of the new actors.N/